• Prince William married Kate Middleton in 2011
  • He did date around before he found his future wife
  • These are the ex-girlfriends of Prince William

Choosing the one you will marry is the biggest decision of your life. For (at the time) the second in line to the British Throne, the one you end up marrying will be more than just a spouse. All men get to whisper sweet nothings into the ear of the one they love such as "I think you are a princess" or "I want to make you a queen."

Pre-Kate Middleton, the Women Who Caught Prince William's Eye 

What is it like during courtship for some men to say those things to a woman and actually mean it? When you factor in that, Prince William probably was more careful about what he whispered into the ears of those he courted.


Prince William and Kate have been a couple since 2002 - with interruptions. Following their romantic wedding in 2011, Kate and William have had three children: Prince George (now second in line), Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis

Also interesting:

Before he found his great love, Will had relationships with five ladies around the start of the new "Willennium". He even proposed to Kate at the family estate of one of his past interests! See Prince William's ex-girlfriends in the video above!