• Prince Harry has essentially severed all ties to his family
  • But an insider has revealed a possible way back
  • Royal fans still hold out hope

King Charles won’t heal the rift with Harry and Meghan "anytime soon", says a royal insider – but there is a way forward for the father and son.

According to royal insider Robert Hardman, author of the revealing 'Charles III: New King, New Court, The Inside Story', the chances of a family reconciliation are slim, thanks to the bombshells dropped in Harry's memoir, 'Spare.'

A Family Divided by Secrets

Hardman, speaking at the prestigious Hay Festival, shed light on the deep wounds inflicted by Harry's tell-all.

"It’s not what Harry said, it’s the fact that he said it, and he gave away so many secrets. And he was, effectively, at the time of the Queen’s death, you know, he was taking notes."

Hardman also suggested that Harry hadn’t told the full story – but there might be a cynical reason for that. "If you do read that book, and as I said it’s amazing, but if you get to the bit about his wedding to Meghan, it boils down really to about four or five pages. Now, as an author, that says to me one thing and one thing only: part two might be on its way."

Asked how the row was affecting King Charles as a parent, Hardman said that “he definitely finds it unsettling, it makes him unhappy”.

"There he is, he’s got two sons, one he hardly sees, and two grandchildren he’s barely ever seen, and yes, I think he would like some sort of modus vivendi. Clearly they can’t come back to royal life, I don’t think they want to. And, after all that’s happened, it wouldn’t work," the biographer said.

"The problem that exists is, at the moment, there is still a trust issue," he stated, highlighting the betrayal felt by Prince William and the royal family as their private lives were laid bare for public consumption.

Harry's book not only revealed intimate details but hinted at more secrets yet to be unveiled, suggesting a potential sequel that could further rock the monarchy.

King Charles's Heartache

The impact on King Charles has been profound. As a father estranged from his son and grandchildren, the king's desire for a semblance of normalcy in their relationship is palpable. Yet, the path to reconciliation is fraught with challenges.

Hardman suggests that a private family gathering might be the first step towards healing, a move eagerly awaited by those following the royal drama.

"I thought it was telling that when the cancer diagnosis came through back in February, Prince Harry came straight over. People said why didn’t he stay longer, why didn’t he talk to his father? I mean, there is so much to be worked through, but this was absolutely not the moment to have some sort of summit with Harry about all of Harry’s grievances."

"But I think the fact he came was important, the fact he was received was important, I think what encouraged people at the palace and encouraged the king was the fact that afterwards, we didn’t then read about it or hear about it. It remained private."

Despite personal turmoil, King Charles remains committed to his royal duties, with plans to attend the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings and the Trooping the Colour parade.

His recent health scare has only added to the complexity of his reign, which Hardman notes has seen a "tonal shift" towards greater transparency and collaboration with the government.

Also interesting:

As the royal family navigates these turbulent waters, the world watches with bated breath.

Will Harry and Meghan return for a summer reconciliation? Can the monarchy mend its fractured bonds? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: the royal saga is far from over.