'The Simpsons': Who Is Who? Quiz

1/11 For starters: Who do we see here?

2/11 The "Simpson" baby is named...?

3/11 Who is the man on the left?

4/11 This is...

5/11 You probably know this neighbour of the "Simpson" family:

Flanders Simpsons

6/11 He often tries to kill "Bart":

7/11 He can often be found at the bar:

Barney the Simpsons

8/11 Which two characters do you see here?

9/11 Who could be the boy that “Bart” and “Lisa” are watching?

simpsons nelson

10/11 The clown's name is...

11/11 Finally: What is the name of the family dog?

Do you know your way around The Simpsons and its cast of many characters? Test your knowledge of Springfield's citizens and the animated series here!

The Simpsons Characters Quiz

Good luck!