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The Simpsons

The longest-running cartoon comedy series centers on the "Simpsons" family living in the city of Springfield. The head of the family is "Homer" who is not a typical family man but has the unconditional love of his wife "Marge"; his three children are "Bart" (the classic rebel without a cause), "Lisa" (a fighter of different causes, vegan and the intelligent one of the group) and their youngest daughter "Maggie" who despite not speaking and never aging, seems to be the most sensible of the whole family.

After achieving success with a a handful of short films of the yellow family on the Tracey Ullman show, Matt Groening had the opportunity to take The Simpsons to have their own series on Fox where they proved to be an unusual family but whose adventures had a certain air of familiarity for the audience and after the Christmas special in 1989, the world was head over heels for the "Simpsons" family!

The number one family on TV

The popularity of the "Simpsons" family skyrocketed and the characters have had successful songs, video games, toys, stamps, and even managed to predict the future (some say)! With almost 700 chapters, the series has been named as the longest-running in history and has been the center of some controversies due to their boundary-pushing jokes but has continued and evolved over nearly 40 seasons!

The Simpsons Fun Facts

  • Although the show's ratings in the United States have never been the same, countries like Mexico, Russia and Argentina continue to make the series even better than local sports!
  • Brad Bird, director of The Incredibles and Ratatoulle, began his career as a director of several of the most popular episodes of the series. 
  • Along with Saturday Night Live, it is one of the few shows that has managed to feature 3 of the four members of The Beatles!