"Special Agent Nick Torres", played by Wilmer Valderrama (41), is facing a world-changing encounter in the new NCIS episode "Sangre", which will be broadcast on Tuesday in the USA. "Nick" was abandoned by his father as a child and that's exactly what he's supposed to face now.
NCIS: "Nick" finds his father at the crime scene through clues
NCIS agent "Nick's" father "Miguel" is being played by Steven Bauer (64). The episode "Sangre" is about the murder of a marine sergeant that leads "Nick Torres" to his father.
The trailer for the new NCIS episode revealed that "Miguel" is somehow linked to the case. A strand of hair was found at the scene of the crime, and during the investigation, forensic scientist "Kasie Hines" (Diona Reasonover) found a relationship between "Nick" and the person from whom the sample was taken.
"Torres" said, "The last I heard he was dead. He was a deadbeat, he walked out on me when I was five."
A little later, "Nick Torres" actually meets his father - but can he even trust him? And what is "Gibbs"(Mark Harmon), who is currently suspended, going to say to "Nick's" resurfaced family member?
Fans are also curious whether "Miguel" will only appear in one episode or whether it will be seen more often on NCIS from now on. "Torres" explained, "I have black sheep in the family, I mean who doesn't? But a murderer?"
We can't wait to see the new episode!