Awkwafina is playing her cards right, having been cast in new drama The Baccarat Machine! According to Variety, the film will be based on a true story about skilled gambler "Cheung Yin "Kelly" Sun" and her unlikely partnership with poker player Phil Ivey, which was first told in a Cigar Aficionado article.

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Awkwafina's new project: here's what we know so far!

Awkwafina will be starring as "Kelly", who became well-known and respected for becoming a millionaire through her gambling tactics. She was able to accomplish this by "using a technique known as edge sorting — recognizing the use of playing cards in which the edges on either side are unevenly cut by fractions of an inch".

SK Global has the rights to the film, and there's no word yet on who will be cast to star alongside Awkwafina as "Phil Ivey".

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Awkwafina "uniquely equipped" to take on her new role

In a statement, the co-CEO of SK Global, John Penotti, voiced his enthusiasm for Awkwafina's involvement in the project. "We can’t think of a better way to start this project than by announcing that our friend Awkwafina has come on board,” he said. "She is uniquely equipped to bring Kelly to life onscreen and will infuse the role with genuine humor and humanity".