Disney Animation has begun to release Frozen short films! The movie's animators created a series titled At Home with Olaf, which they've animated entirely from home. Watch episode 1, "Fun with Snow," below.
Disney's Frozen short film starring "Olaf"
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Frozen cast: Josh Gad voices "Olaf" in new short films
Actor Josh Gad, who voiced "Olaf" in Frozen (2013) and Frozen II (2019), also lent his voice to this short and the ones that are still to come. The actor sent out a tweet that promoted the short and gave a shoutout to the animators behind it, Jennifer Lee and Hyrum Osmond.
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Frozen 2 came out in 2019
"Olaf," the snowman, is the star of the first short. It remains to be seen if other Frozen favourites such as "Elsa," "Anne," or "Kristoff" will appear in At Home with Olaf.
It's also unclear just when we can expect episode 2 and more, but Disney's tweet announced that the shorts would start this week. Stay tuned for more "Olaf" and impressive at home animation!