• Relocation for Prince Harry?
  • He is looking for a house
  • THAT is why he wants to return to the UK

Does Prince Harry (39) long for his former life in the UK? At least he is said to be house hunting there and there is a special reason behind this.

Prince Harry: Is that why he wants to return to the UK?

Royal expert Tom Quinn explains to 'The Mirror': "As time goes by, Harry misses some aspects of his old life in the UK. Inevitably, the honeymoon period where everything in the States is new and exciting is coming to an end and Harry is looking back at the past through rose-tinted spectacles.

Quinn added that Harry missed his old friends from Eton and the military, many of whom hadn't visited him as they don't get on with Meghan, 41.

The expert also explained: "Harry is determined to find his own permanent home in the UK, which is partly why he's continuing his legal action to get the British taxpayer to pay for his security."

Also Interesting:

In his autobiography 'Spare', published in 2023, Harry also revealed his sadness at having to leave Frogmore Cottage. This was his and Meghan's home for several years.

The couple had been gifted the residence by Queen Elizabeth II (†96) in 2019 and, after initially using taxpayers' money, financed an extensive renovation themselves and then paid the money back. However, their time in the house was short-lived, as they announced their decision to step-down from the royal family at the end of 2019 and moved out in 2020.