• Prince Harry looks a lot like his great-grandfather
  • He is the spitting image of Prince Andrew

Prince Harry (40) looks just like his great-grandfather Prince Andrew. The royal really is the spitting image of Prince Philip's (†99) father. Prince Andrew of Greece had five children with Princess Alice of Battenberg, including Prince Philip, who would later become the Prince Consort of Queen Elizabeth II (†96).

Prince Harry is the spitting image of his great-grandfather 

Prince Harry is the spitting image of his great-grandfather. The resemblance extends over several generations. The shape of the head, the hair, the nose and the lips - the genes of Andrew of Greece have prevailed.

Prince Harry has been wearing this bracelet for over 20 years

Perhaps Archie, who has already shown similar qualities to his father Harry will remember his royal ancestor. He inherited his red hair from his dad after all!

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