The Duke of Edinburgh (97) has been spotted behind the wheel again following his accident late last week. He was seen driving near the Royal Family's Sandringham Estate just two days after the incident. 

They met when Elizabeth was just thirteen years old

It's the Queen and Prince Philip's 71st wedding anniversary today!

Unfortunately, for reasons unknown, Prince Philip was driving without wearing a seatbelt, something that caused the Norfolk Constabulary concern. He was strongly advised by the police to wear a seatbelt at all times. 

The Daily Mail reported that Her Majesty had also been spotted taking a drive whilst not wearing a seatbelt on Saturday, just one day after Prince Philip's crash. However, in photos published by The Telegraph, the Queen is seen to be wearing one, so we presume she doesn't need a pro-seatbelt pep talk by the Norfolk Constabulary.

Crash Led to Heated Debate on Senior Citizen Drivers

The crash has led to a heated debate on senior citizen drivers. Jeremy Clarkson told The Sun that he believed Prince Philip should no longer be allowed to own a driver's license. He went on to claim that it is young drivers who are usually viewed to be the most dangerous, whilst the dangers of older drivers might be overlooked. However, as all drivers over the age of seventy have to renew their license it seems that this worry seems to be somewhat inconsequential. 

Being able to drive provides many senior citizens with the freedom to get around, something that is especially useful to those who may not be as nimble on their feet as they once were. The Duke of Edinburgh has recently had a hip replacement and so driving may well be one of the easiest ways of getting around for the ninety-seven-year-old royal.  

Prince Philip claimed that he had been dazzled by the sun just before the accident took place. Photos taken at the junction where the crash occurred show that the sun may well have been a contributing factor to the accident. According to the Daily Mail, 25 people were killed in Britain in 2017 due to a driver being dazzled by the sun and a further 3146 injured. 

One thing is certain, all those involved in the accident can count their blessings that they are have come out of the incident mostly unscathed.