Duchess Catherine, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis

Prince William's youngest son looked so cute!

Trooping the Colour: Prince Louis Stole The Show

On September 5th, Princess Charlotte will be putting on a new uniform, packing her backpack and smiling for the camera that her mother Duchess Catherine will no doubt be using to snap some candids of her first big day! Charlotte will be joining her brother, Prince George at Thomas's Battersea, a $23,000-per-year private school that is located just three miles from their Kensington Palace home.


Princess Charlotte is "so excited about it all"

An insider revealed to People Magazine that Princess Charlotte "can't wait to be with George at big school, she is so excited about it all." Since George has been there for two years already, he will be ready to show his little sister the ropes! The insider also said that "they are close in age, and they spend so much time together. Playdates [with outsiders] can be tricky, so they learn to lean on each other."

Prince George loves his ballet classes

It is know that Prince George is very happy at his school where he is simply known as George Cambridge. The students get to take classes in math, English, science, history, French, computing, drama and ballet. Prince William has said that Prince George "loves" his ballet classes! We can't wait to hear what Princess Charlotte likes the most, although we have a feeling she will fancy the ballet classes as well!