• Prince Harry and Meghan are not astrologically compatible
  • Experts say Meghan "dominates" Harry
  • It is the relationship between Virgo and Leo

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are one of the most well-known royal couples. One of the main reasons they are known for is their recent controversies and criticisms. However, they are also known for loving and supporting each other, having two children, and are rarely seen apart.

Meghan "dominates" Harry

According to a Psychic World spokesperson who spoke to 'Express', their match is only 35 percent:

"Whilst there’s no denying that Harry and Meghan are cemented royal sweethearts, their star signs place them of lower compatibility than some of the other royal couples."

Prince Harry & Meghan revealed how they celebrated his birthday.

The expert suggests that Meghan is the "dominant" one in their relationship:

"Typically, Leo’s and Virgo’s can struggle to find common ground, as the extrovert and dominant side of the Leo can take aback the more reserved Virgo."

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