• Change on the Royal website
  • THIS statement has been deleted
  • Is it intentional?

Since the beginning of their relationship, Prince Harry (39) and Duchess Meghan (42) have faced blatant media onslaught and hate. In November 2016, the Prince took an unprecedented step by officially confirming his relationship with Meghan while criticizing the media for their ruthless treatment of his partner.

Prince Harry's statement: That's why it was important

The statement, which was published on the official website of the British royal family, served as a strong signal against "a wave of abuse and harassment" to which Meghan was exposed.

This statement has now been removed from the royals' website. The statement was last accessed by an internet service on December 3, 2023, and is said to have been deleted from the site shortly afterward.

Also Interesting:

In the original statement, Harry's spokesperson expressed concern for Meghan's safety and expressed deep disappointment that Harry was unable to protect her.

The statement was also covered in his memoir 'Spare'. In it, the Duke of Sussex recalled that he was advised to remain silent concerning the media attention surrounding his relationship, but that he had to do something. 

Despite the release of the statement and its wide circulation, the continued onslaught did not change. Prince Harry also revealed that this action angered his father and brother, as they had never made such statements for their partners or wives.

Did the statement have to make way for a revision of the royal website or is there more to it? After all, Prince Harry and Prince William in particular are said to be having a serious crisis at the moment. 

Most recently, Harry and Meghan's profiles on the royals' website were also merged into one page.