• Prince Harry received an ESPY
  • It was a controversial choice at best
  • THIS is what fans think

Critics argue that the Duke of Sussex's controversial past and privileged position make him an unsuitable recipient for an award that symbolizes selfless dedication to one's country and team. Here we delve into the heated debate surrounding the award, the values it represents, and the question of who truly deserves to be honored.

A Royal Controversy!

The ESPY Award was named after former professional footballer Pat Tillman, who gave up his footballing career to serve in the military after 9/11 and was killed in Afghanistan.

In an announcement that has taken the world by storm, ESPN's choice to bestow the Pat Tillman Award on Prince Harry has sparked a wildfire of debate and dissent. The award, a symbol of ultimate sacrifice and dedication, named after the heroic Pat Tillman, seems to many a mismatch for the Duke of Sussex, whose military and philanthropic efforts, though notable, have been marred by controversy.

Leading the charge against the decision is Patti Mickel, who argues that the award should go to someone who embodies Tillman's unwavering commitment to their squad and country. With nearly 32,000 like-minded supporters, the petition she initiated calls for ESPN to reconsider their choice, highlighting the need for a recipient who mirrors Tillman's values more closely.

The 'Change.org' petition reads: "Prince Harry, while a former military officer, has been involved in controversies that call into question his suitability to receive an honour of this magnitude. He has faced accusations of endangering his squadron by publicly revealing military kills."

The petition references a story in Harry’s book, Spare, in which he writes that he used a Typhoon to target his father’s car during training.

It adds: "More recently, his role in the Invictus games, a platform meant to celebrate the resilience and dedication of veterans, has been criticised as self-centered."

Despite founding the Invictus Games to honor wounded service people, Harry's suitability for the Tillman Award has been questioned, particularly in light of accusations regarding his military service and the nature of his involvement in the Invictus Games, which some criticize as self-centered.

The controversy has even reached Tillman's family, with his mother expressing shock and disappointment over the selection of such a "controversial and divisive individual." This sentiment is echoed by many who believe that there are more deserving veterans who lack Prince Harry's platform and resources but have made significant contributions to their communities.

She told the 'Mail' on Sunday: "I am shocked as to why they would select such a controversial and divisive individual to receive the award. There are recipients that are far more fitting. There are individuals working in the veteran community that are doing tremendous things to assist veterans."

Also interesting:

"These individuals do not have the money, resources, connections or privilege that Prince Harry has. I feel that those types of individuals should be recognised."

As the debate rages on, the world eagerly awaits a response from Prince Harry and the royal camp. Will the Duke of Sussex address the controversy head-on, or will the voices of dissent be drowned out by the fanfare of the award ceremony?