• Meghan Markle might get a new title
  • She may become Princess Henry
  • And THIS is why

Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex and former American actress, and her husband, Prince Harry, find themselves at the heart of a royal controversy that could potentially alter their titles. But fear not, royal watchers!

The likelihood of Meghan being addressed as "Princess Henry" is sparking discussions, but experts weigh in on why this title twist may never come to pass.

Expert Insights: The Royal Title Tangle

Kinsey Schofield, the voice behind the To Di for Daily podcast, spills the tea on why stripping the Sussexes of their titles isn't as straightforward as it seems.

Kinsey Schofield, host of the To Di for Daily podcast, said that stripping the Sussexes of their royal titles would take more than a decision from the House of Windsor.

"A lot of us feel like Harry and Meghan take advantage of their titles and would like to see them stripped of them, but that’s not a conversation that has happened between King Charles and Prince William in years," Schofield claimed, highlighting that Prince Harry's princely title is here to stay, Parliament's approval needed for any change.

Echoing Schofield's sentiment, Ingrid Seward, editor-in-chief of Majesty Magazine, suggests leaving things be to avoid confusion, especially stateside. "Americans might find 'Princess Henry' a bit too puzzling!" Seward jests, pointing out the unnecessary complexity of a title change.

Technically, and Charles and William know this, if you strip Harry and Meghan of the Duke and Duchess title… they would revert to being Prince and Princess Henry. The prince title cannot be removed. That is Harry’s birthright. It would take an act of Parliament and that is simply not a priority for them at this time."

"You will still see Harry and Meghan utilizing the prince and princess titles, which are almost more marketable in the United States," Schofield added.

Amidst bombshell books and controversial claims, the question of whether the Sussexes will retain their royal titles has caught the world's attention. Will Meghan Markle be known as "Princess Henry"? Dive into the heart of this royal riddle with insights from experts and insiders.

Despite stepping back from royal duties and relocating to sunny California, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's titles remain a hot topic. "Their titles are almost more marketable in the United States," Schofield notes, hinting at the Sussexes' undiminished appeal.

The idea of revoking Harry and Meghan's titles has been floated but met with skepticism from royal insiders. Christopher Andersen, author of "The King," reassures that the Sussexes are not on the royal family's radar for title stripping, emphasizing the focus on more pressing family health concerns.

Also interesting:

Regardless of the ongoing debates and discussions, one thing remains clear: Prince Harry's status as a prince is unshakeable.

Whether or not Meghan will officially be dubbed "Princess Henry" remains a topic of fascination, but for now, the Sussexes continue to navigate their unique path within and beyond the royal fold.