• Prince Harry is set to return to the UK
  • Harry is attending the WellChild Awards
  • He proves charity comes first
The WellChild Awards, partnered with @GSK, are not just any event in the royal calendar—they're a testament to Harry's unwavering dedication to seriously ill children and their families. Having attended 12 of these heartwarming ceremonies, Harry's return is more than a visit; it's a mission. "I was unable to attend the awards last year as my grandmother passed away," Harry reflected, adding a touching tribute to the late Queen, "she would have been the first person to insist I still come to be with you all." 

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Family feud thaws for Harry's 40th

In a surprising twist of familial fate, the estranged royal relatives extended olive branches for Harry's 40th birthday, hinting at a thaw in the frosty relations. Instagram became the unlikely platform for peace, with Prince William and Princess Kate sharing heartfelt wishes, echoed by a proud message from King Charles. This public display of affection sets a hopeful tone for Harry's homecoming.

As Harry prepares to meet the awe-inspiring winners of the WellChild Awards, his message is clear: it's all about shining a spotlight on these incredible young individuals and the community that supports them. His grandmother's memory serves as a guiding light, fueling his passion for the cause and reminding us all of the power of unity and compassion.

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