• Prince Harry has a hilarious haunted adventure with Jimmy Fallon:
  • The Prince swears and giggles through a spooky maze
  •  Is a a must-watch moment!

Forget the formalities! Harry decided to kick things up a notch by becoming the first surprise guest to brave 'Jimmy Fallon's Tonightmares' at the Rockefeller Centre. The segment, aired on NBC, was a rollercoaster of emotions, with the Duke screaming, swearing (all bleeped out, of course!), and even cracking jokes about Michael Bublé amidst the ghouls and scares.

Dressed casually in a khaki shirt, Harry's adventurous spirit shone through as he and Fallon, both strapped with cameras, ventured into the unknown. From mistaking a spooky figure for a panda to comparing a haunted figure to Michael Bublé, Harry's reactions were priceless. "Is that Michael Bublé? Good job, buddy," he quipped, adding a touch of humor to the eerie atmosphere.

A maze of emotions

The haunted maze wasn't just about jumpscares; it was a journey filled with laughter, shock, and a fair share of swearing. As they navigated through "10 spine-chilling rooms," the duo encountered everything from zombie rockers to sinister characters, making for a memorable TV moment. The actors' realization that they had just scared a royal added a layer of hilarity to the whole experience.

Despite the frights, Harry's camaraderie with Fallon was evident, with the prince even holding Fallon's hand through a mock cornfield. The segment ended on a light note, with Harry pretending to throw a punch after one last scare, showcasing his good sportsmanship and sense of humor.

Also interesting:

Harry's appearance on 'The Tonight Show' was a refreshing break from his more serious engagements, including his passionate speech at the Clinton Global Initiative and discussions on climate change and online safety for children. His commitment to making a positive impact, combined with his ability to let loose and have fun, paints the picture of a modern royal who's not afraid to step outside the traditional boundaries.