Meghan shared that her visit to the Big Apple was something akin to a secret mission from a spy movie, except her gadget of choice was probably a designer handbag and her code name was “Megs.” At the time, Meghan was still adjusting to her new life as a global celebrity.

  • Meghan Markle has recalled the past
  • She talked about her earlier days living in New York
  • THIS is how Meghan felt on her day to day

Meghan back in the day

While speaking on Sept. 7 at Godmothers, a bookstore near her home in Montecito, California, Meghan reflected on the last time she popped into a bookstore — this time in New York City in 2019, while still a working royal.

Both 'Spare' and Meghan’s 2021 children’s book, 'The Bench', are featured in the store’s “Our Local Authors” display. The book, which she wrote to "depict another side of masculinity — one grounded in connection, emotion and softness," according to a blog post she wrote at the time — became a 'New York Times' bestseller, as did 'Spare' upon its release in 2023.

Picture it: Meghan, tiptoeing through Times Square, trying not to trip over her high heels while simultaneously dodging paparazzi and dodging hot dog carts.

"For me, sneaking to New York five years ago was a really big deal,” the Duchess of Sussex, 43, told a crowd, describing how she put on a cap and kept her head down. "I was still so uncomfortable being out in the world. The safety of what I was craving, I knew I could find in a bookstore."

"You could say I was like a cat in a room full of rocking chairs—everywhere I turned, I was just waiting for something to go wrong."

She also revealed that despite her high-profile status, she was still struggling with the sheer magnitude of her celebrity. "Walking around New York City is like walking through a giant, glitzy carnival, but with fewer clowns and more flashbulbs," she noted.

Meghan’s trip was supposed to be a low-key getaway, but in true Markle fashion, it turned into a media frenzy. Even a casual stroll through Central Park felt like a Broadway show, complete with an audience of fans and, unfortunately, a few too many intrusive photographers.

On top of all that, Meghan confessed that she was constantly worried about blending in. "I was so concerned with being noticed that I probably could have used a disguise," she joked. "Maybe a fake mustache and a giant pair of sunglasses would have done the trick."

But in true Meghan style, she managed to navigate through the chaos with grace—and a sense of humor. And as she looks back on her NYC adventure, she’s not just remembering the hustle and bustle but also the fact that she got to enjoy some really good pizza.

"If there’s one thing I learned from that trip, it’s that even amidst all the craziness, New York pizza is worth the fuss," she said with a smile.

Also interesting:

So, next time you’re feeling a bit out of place, just remember: If Meghan Markle can survive a stealthy trip to NYC and still enjoy a slice of pizza, you can definitely handle whatever life throws your way.