“They’d be talking about downsizing,” he said. “They’re not ready for assisted living yet. But they’re still romantic, still in love,” he added.

  • 'When Harry Met Sally...' is a classic rom-com
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Billy's take on the hypothetical

Crystal also spoke of how he feels being part of a movie that has had such staying power and relevance for audiences over the years.

“It’s extraordinary to be part of an evergreen [movie] like that after all these years,” he remarked. “Young people finding it; getting called from film schools and 22-year-olds finding the movie; 21-year-olds, and coming to speak to them about it.”

When it graced theaters in 1989, it was more than just a romantic comedy; it was a cultural touchstone that resonated with audiences and has continued to influence popular culture decades later.

Directed by Rob Reiner and penned by Nora Ephron, the film not only redefined the genre but also offered insightful commentary on love, relationships, and friendship that remains relevant to this day. Its impact stretches far beyond its witty dialogue and memorable scenes, touching on deeper aspects of cultural and societal norms.

At its core, 'When Harry Met Sally...' brought a fresh perspective to the romantic comedy genre. Prior to its release, the genre often adhered to formulaic tropes and predictable storylines. Ephron's script, however, infused the film with a sharp, realistic dialogue that explored the complexities of relationships.

The film's most famous line, "I’ll have what she’s having," delivered by the late Estelle Reiner, became an iconic moment that encapsulated the film’s blend of humor and authenticity. This line is not just a punchline but a commentary on the universal nature of human desire and connection.

The film’s portrayal of the central relationship between "Harry" (Billy Crystal) and "Sally" (Meg Ryan) was groundbreaking. It challenged the conventional notion that men and women could not be friends without romantic involvement. The film’s exploration of this idea, with its nuanced depiction of the evolving nature of Harry and Sally’s relationship, offered a refreshing take on how friendships can deepen into love over time. This narrative choice opened the door for future romantic comedies to explore similar themes, creating a new template for storytelling within the genre.

Beyond its contributions to film, it has had a profound impact on how we view relationships and gender dynamics. The film’s dialogue, filled with introspective and often humorous observations on love and relationships, became a cultural touchstone for discussing these topics. Ephron's writing captured the zeitgeist of the late 1980s and early 1990s, reflecting a shift in societal attitudes toward dating and marriage.

The film's influence extends into fashion and media as well. Sally’s iconic diner scene outfit, a casual yet stylish look, became a symbol of the period's fashion. The film's popularity also led to its dialogues and themes being referenced in various other media, from TV shows to books. Its impact is evident in how modern romantic comedies continue to draw inspiration from Ephron's wit and insight.

Also interesting:

'When Harry Met Sally...' is more than just a film; it is a cultural phenomenon that has left an indelible mark on both the romantic comedy genre and societal perceptions of relationships. Its innovative approach to storytelling, coupled with its insightful exploration of love and friendship, has solidified its place in cinematic history. As we continue to navigate the complexities of modern relationships, the film's enduring charm and relevance remind us of the timeless nature of genuine connection and the joy of finding love in unexpected places.