• Movies come and go but some remain in our hearts forever
  • These films even made a huge impact at the box office
  • Learn more about the highest-grossing film records

As with athletes and politicians, filmmakers can go from rags to riches. In the early 70s, a group of aspiring new, young filmmakers formed a close friendship. They were obsessed with moviemaking but struggled to penetrate the Hollywood establishment. They saw themselves as "crazy kids", "party-crashers" and "movie brats". This "fraternity of directors" would consult on each other's work, giving opinions. They were also competitive, hoping to blow the other members of the group away with their films.

Three members of the group were George, Steven, and Francis. George, looking back, said that he and his friends were not thinking about filmmaking in terms of a career. "We didn't think we were ever going to make any money at it." Steven said, "It was an incredible, fertile time." From this trio came five films that would consecutively, over the course of over 25 years, hold the record for the highest-grossing movie in history.

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The History of the Highest-Grossing Film Record

Francis was the first of the group to accomplish this feat. George showed an early version of one of his movies to this group and had already made up his mind that the film was going to fail. While Steven felt the opposite, another member of the fraternity was very confused about the plot and that motivated George to start his movie with an on-screen written prologue that is now world-famous. George's film likewise earned more money than any film previously in history. Steven would make the three remaining films that once held the record of the highest-grossing film.

To learn more about these filmmakers, their films, and other movies that raked in a ton of dough, watch the video above.