The Willoughbys is a new animated film that comes to Netflix in April 2020. The film follows the "Willoughby children" on an adventure after they send their selfish parents away on a vacation. It's based on the popular book of the same title by Lois Lowry. Watch the new trailer below!
Netflix's The Willoughbys: Watch the first official trailer
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Netflix officially describes the new movie as follows: "When the four Willoughby children are abandoned by their selfish parents, they must learn how to adapt their old-fashioned values to the contemporary world in order to create a new and modern family."
The voice cast includes Ricky Gervais, Maya Rudolph, Will Forte, Martin Short, Terry Crews, Alessia Cara and Jane Krakowski. Gervais' distinctive voice can be heard as the narrator of the new trailer!
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Netflix movies: Watch The Willoughbys in April
The Willoughbys appears to be a light-hearted adventure comedy with striking visuals. Watch for the movie when it comes to Netflix on April 22. Viewers of all ages should enjoy this one!