How Well Do You Know The Show?

The Ultimate Retro Quiz: 'The A-Team'

1/11 The original TV series aired entirely in what decade?

2/11 What is the nickname of "Templeton Peck"?

3/11 What is "B.A. Barracus" scared of?

4/11 What is "Mr. T's" real-life name?

5/11 In his spare time, "Hannibal" likes to dress up as...

6/11 What does "Hannibal" say after a successful mission?

7/11 What do the letters "H.M." in "Murdock's" name stand for?

8/11 What is the name of the reporter who follows along the 'A-Team' in season 1?

9/11 Which one of these musical performers did NOT make an appearance on the show?

10/11 Who played the role of "Hannibal" in the 2010 movie 'The A-Team'?

11/11 How many seasons of the original show 'The A-Team' are there?

Are you a real fan of The A-Team? Test your knowledge in our quiz about the iconic TV show right here!

The A-Team: Quiz Yourself On The Classic TV Show

Good luck!