Test Your Knowledge!

'That Girl' Television Series Quiz

1/12 What was the name of "that girl"?

2/12 Where was the series set?

3/12 Who was the star of 'That Girl'?

4/12 What is "Ann" trying to become?

5/12 How does the show's theme song start?

6/12 How many seasons did 'That Girl' have?

7/12 What was the name of "Ann's" boyfriend?

8/12 What kind of business did "Ann's" father run?

9/12 There was a wedding episode for "Ann" and "Donald": True or false?

10/12 What year did 'That Girl' go off the air?

11/12 What TV network showed 'That Girl'?

12/12 Who starred as "Ann's" boyfriend?

That Girl is a popular TV show that aired in the 1960s and '70s. How well do you remember the sitcom starring actress Marlo Thomas? Find out here in our That Girl quiz!

That Girl: Quiz Yourself On Show Trivia!

Good luck!