'Superstore' Quiz: Test Your Knowledge Of The Hit Sitcom

1/10 What state does the show take place in?

2/10 What does "Jonah" decorate the roof with in the pilot episode?

3/10 What does "Glenn" always get chastized for talking about at work?

4/10 What is "Amy's" last name after she divorces "Adam"?

5/10 In what area is the Cloud 9 store the characters work at located?

6/10 Which two characters give birth in the same episode?

7/10 Why does "Mateo" find himself at risk of getting deported?

8/10 True or false: "Amy" and "Jonah" have their first kiss in the photo lab.

9/10 Who wears the same Halloween costume at the store every year?

10/10 Which of these natural disasters does not happen at the store?

Attention Superstore fans! With the show coming to an end, it's the perfect time to see how much you remember about the cast, characters, and goings-on at Cloud 9 with this fun trivia quiz!

Superstore Quiz

Good luck!