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'Once Upon a Time' Quiz

1/11 True or false: Storybrooke and Hyperion Heights are in Maine.

2/11 Who plays "Regina Mills" in 'Once Upon a Time'?

3/11 What do both "Henry" and "Emma" add to hot chocolate?

4/11 Which character discovers he is "Rumplestiltskin's" son?

5/11 Which season of the show ends with a time jump?

6/11 True or false: 'Once Upon a Time' had a musical episode.

7/11 Which famous Disney duo showed up in season 4?

8/11 Which fairytale character's modern alias is "Mr. Gold"?

9/11 Which character does Rebecca Mader play?

10/11 What year did 'Once Upon a Time' premiere?

11/11 How many seasons did the show have?

While the show has now come to an end, Once Upon a Time is known for its unique premise that blends fairy tales and real life. See how well you know the fantasy drama!

Once Upon a Time Quiz

Good luck!