The hit German sci-fi mystery series Dark consists of 26 episodes in 3 seasons from 2017 to 2020. The story takes place in the fictional small town of "Winden" where children mysteriously begin to disappear...
Dark is a brilliant and intricate series that follows the closely related families in the town and the generational impact of their past and future actions. It is a very intense and addictive show with a soundtrack that beautifully pairs with the series to up the tension to an entirely new level.
Dark on Netflix: This is the Soundtrack
Most of the songs composed for the series were created by Ben Frost, known for his minimalist and experimental instrumental music and the rest are perfectly fitting songs from multiple decades. The very recognizable mysterious title track for the series is actually "Goodbye" by Apparat featuring Soap & Skin, which was actually featured in one of the most pivotal episodes of Breaking Bad (Season 4, Episode 13 "Face-Off"). The song is a masterful melody of eerie whispers mixed with breaths and string instruments to perfectly lead curious viewers into each new episode.
Dark's soundtrack actually features songs from the 1950s and 1980s as the story spans across many different decades. The soundtrack of the whole series is available on Amazon Music and Spotify. Luckily, we have compiled the list of the brilliant soundtrack of all 3 seasons for you here!
Dark on Netflix: Soundtrack For Season 1
Song title & artist |
Amazon Music Link |
Spotify link |
"Return" - Marathon Man |
"You Spin Me Round" - Dead Or Alive |
"Irgendwie, Irgendwo, Irgendwann" – Nena |
"Industry" - Mire Kay |
"Anthracite Fields: IV. Flowers" - Choir of Trinity Wall Street |
"Anthracite Fields: IV. Flowers" - Choir of Trinity Wall Street |
"Shout" - Tears for Fears |
"Pleasure To Kill" - Kreator |
"The Look Of Love" - ABC |
"Familiar" - Agnes Obel |
"Me and the Devil" - Soap & Skin |
"Enter One" - Sol Seppy |
"I Ran" - A Flock Of Seagulls |
"Cow Song" - Meredith Monk & Collin Walcott |
"Es wird ja alles wieder gut" - Detlev Lais |
"Partita for 8 Singers: No.3. Courante - Roomful of Teeth |
"Das Geisterschiff vom Ohio" - Stan Oliver |
"Fridolin" - Nana Gualdi |
"Wishing Well" - Stomper feat. Lucy Tops |
"When I Was Done Dying" - Dan Deacon |
"A Quiet Life" - Teho Teardo and Blixa Bargeld |
"Keep The Streets Empty For Me" - Fever Ray |
Dark on Netflix: Soundtrack For Season 2
Song title & artist |
Amazon Music Link |
Spotify link |
"Jeanny" - Falco |
"It's Happening Again" - Agnes Obel |
"Never Gonna Give You Up" - Rick Astley |
"Being Boiled" - The Human League |
"Suspicious Minds" - Elvis Presley |
"Thunder" - RY X |
"Pleasure to Kill" - Kreator |
"Melody X" - Bonaparte |
"The World Retreats" - David O’Dowda |
"May the Angels" - Alev Lenz |
"Heaven is a Place on Earth" - Belinda Carlisle |
"I Pretend" - Kim Carnes |
"Twisted Olive Branch" - Asaf Avidan |
"Anthracite Fields: IV. Flowers" - Choir of Trinity Wall Street |
"Anthracite Fields: IV. Flowers" - Choir of Trinity Wall Street |
"My Body is a Cage" - Peter Gabriel |
Dark on Netflix: Soundtrack For Season 3
Song title & artist |
Amazon Music Link |
Spotify link |
"If I Could Turn Back Time" - Cher |
"Bad Kingdom" - May and Robot Koch |
"You Spin Me Round" - Dead or Alive |
"Is This Love" - Survivor |
"Broken Sleep" - Agnes Obel |
"Partita III. Courante “- Roomful Of Teeth |
"The Labyrinth Song" - Asaf Avidan |
"In the Woods Somewhere" - Hozier |
"The Pioneers / M83 Remix" - Bloc Party |
"Cow Song" - Meredith Monk |
"Pneumothorax" - Blueneck |
"Anthracite Fields: IV. Flowers" - Choir of Trinity Wall Street |
"Anthracite Fields: IV. Flowers" - Choir of Trinity Wall Street |
"Down On The Street" - The Stooges |
"What a Wonderful World" - Soap & Skin |