The iconic 1970's American sitcom Happy Days (1974-1984) featured the talented cast of Henry Winkler, Ron Howard, Marion Ross, Anson Williams and Don Most. These five co-stars were back together again for the Garry Marshall Theater's 3rd Annual Founder's Gala and took some time to sit down with ET to answer some questions and talk about their memories of their time together and how they've managed to stay this close over the years.

Happy Days Cast had an "immediate connection"  

"We acted together, we played charades together, [we played charity] softball all over the world together," Henry Winkler said. "It feels like if somebody had a script and put some marks on the ground we could just do an episode," Ron Howard added to ET. Anson Williams contributes their close friendships to the "immediate connection" they all felt when they were together.


This is why Ron Howard almost quit Happy Days:

The cast continued to talk about the show's creator, Garry Marshall (who passed away in July 2016), and the wonderful legacy he left behind with Happy Days. It is also a well known fact that Winkler's character, "Fonzie" sky-rocketed to fame. Ron Howard went on to explain the moment he almost quit the show: "They did come to me and said, 'Well the network would kind of like to change the name of the show to Fonzie's Happy Days.' And I said, 'Well, I don't think I wanna be in that show. I wanna be in Happy Days and I think Henry should have, you know, every opportunity to do everything -- that's fantastic -- but you know, I signed on for this other thing and I just really don't wanna do that. I think I'd go back to film school.'"

Howard went on to explain that it was Marshall who asked him personally how he felt about that and he said "I just don't feel good about that," and Marshall said, "It's not going to happen," and that was the end of that. Regardless of the little bump in the road back then, we are so glad to see these amazing co-stars reunited and still close friends today!