Test Your Knowledge!

'Freaks and Geeks' Quiz

1/11 How many seasons of the show were there?

2/11 What made "Lindsay Weir" change her outlook, and become a rebel at the beginning of the show?

3/11 "Lindsay's" little brother "Sam" was infatuated with which girl in his class?

Sam Weir in Freaks and Geeks, 1999

4/11 Who was the iconic student counselor?

Freaks and Geeks, 1999

5/11 Who did the loveable nerd "Bill" dress up as for Halloween?

'Freaks and Geeks' 1999

6/11 Even though the show was funny, it did touch on real-life issues. Which freak came from an abusive home?

Freaks and Geeks Cast 1999

7/11 How did "Daniel" help "Sam" when he was struggling with sex ed?

Freaks and Geeks 1999

8/11 What did the freaks name their rock band?

Seth Rogan, Jason Segel, and James Franco 'Freaks and Geeks' 1999

9/11 Who was "Lindsay's" first boyfriend?

Jason Segel, James Franco and Linda Cardellini in 'Freaks and Geeks' 1999

10/11 What did "Alan" sneak into "Bill's" food to see if he really was allergic to it?

Freaks and Geeks 1999

11/11 After smoking pot for the first time, what does "Lindsay" remember she has to do?

Linda Cardellini and Jason Segel in 'Freaks and Geeks' 1999

Freaks and Geeks was the iconic show of misfit teens of the '80s! The hilarious yet wholesome show was the start of some impressive careers. Let's see how well you remember this memorable show!

Quiz: How Well Do You Remember Freaks and Geeks?

Good luck.