Dan Brown Movies Quiz

1/11 Bonus: What country is Dan Brown from?

2/11 Who has starred as "Robert Langdon" in all three movies?

3/11 Which one of the three movies came out first?

4/11 In which movie does Ewan McGregor star as the villain?

Ewan McGregor

5/11 Who gets kidnapped in 'Angels & Demons'?

6/11 What actually is the so-called Holy Grail in 'The Da Vinci Code'?

7/11 Why does "Robert Langdon" have to break out of the Vatican archives in 'Angels & Demons'?

'Angels and Demons' Production Still

8/11 In 'Inferno', what is "Sienna's" profession?

9/11 At which famous university does "Robert Langdon" teach?

10/11 What is the big difference between the books and the movie adaptions?

Tom Hanks in 'The Da Vinci Code'.

11/11 Which phobia does "Robert Langdon" suffer from?

All three movies, The Da Vinci Code as well as Angels & Demons and Inferno were all blockbusters! But what do you still remember about the movies based on the popular novels by Dan Brown? Test your knowledge about "Robert Landon" and his adventures in our quiz!

Quiz: Do You Know The Films Based On Dan Brown's Novels?

Good luck!