Test Your Knowledge!

'Charmed' Quiz

1/11 Which 'Big Bang Theory' star appeared in the show's final season?

2/11 Which of the "Halliwell" sisters is the oldest?

3/11 What spell gives the "Halliwell" sisters extra strength?

4/11 True or false: "Piper" gets killed off in the season 3 finale.

5/11 Which actress played long-lost sister "Paige"?

6/11 How many seasons did the original 'Charmed' run for?

7/11 Which of the "Halliwell" sisters can see the future?

8/11 True or false: 'Charmed' starts with all four "Halliwell" sisters.

9/11 Which of these characters was a love interest for "Phoebe"?

10/11 Which of these is NOT a demon that appeared on the show?

11/11 What is the last episode of "Charmed" called?

Are you a big fan of the series Charmed? Take our trivia quiz to see just how well you know the "Halliwell" sisters and their magical world!

Charmed Quiz

Good luck!