Every once in a while, a crime series appears that ends up becoming a television landmark. The series 'Castle', which ABC began airing in 2009, tells a simple story. A mystery writer named "Richard Castle" runs out of inspiration. Then, a serial killer begins to imitate the crimes in his novels. Detective "Kate Beckett" knocks on his door to collaborate on the psychological profile of the criminal.
The cast of 'Castle' before and after
This collaboration benefited both parties. The writer, "Richard Castle", was able to recover his inspiration by borrowing material from real cases, while the police department was able to take advantage of Castle's creative input to solve increasingly gruesome and complicated cases. With this premise, the series managed to run for eight seasons.
More than 170 episodes full of detective plots and a literary success that has permeated the real world. Each of the published novels automatically jumped to the list of the best sellers of that year.