Calling all 'Batman' fans!

'Batman': True or False Quiz

1/12 Val Kilmer played "Batman" before Michael Keaton did.

Batman Begins

2/12 Anne Hathaway plays Selina Kyle in "The Dark Knight Rises".

3/12 'The Batman': Robert Pattinson plays the son of Ben Affleck's "Batman" after he's killed.

'The Batman'

4/12 In the comics, "The Joker" is the one who killed "Bruce Wayne's" parents.


5/12 His butler "Alfred's" last name is "Moneypenny".

6/12 Prince performed the album for the 1989 'Batman'.

Danny DeVito is The Penguin in 'Batman Returns'

7/12 The first "Batman" on television was Ronald Reagan

8/12 Heath Ledger plays "The Joker" in 'Batman Begins'.

Heath Ledger as the Joker

9/12 Robin Williams played the "Riddler" in 'Batman Forever'

10/12 The villain of 'Batman Begins' is "Mr. Freeze".

Christian Bale in Batman Begins

11/12 George Clooney once played "Batman" in a film.

12/12 A "Batman" movie has won the Oscar for Best Picture.

"He's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector."

Quiz: Test Your "Batman" Movie Knowledge

Test out your Batman knowledge in the true/false quiz above!