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'Rocky': The Ultimate Movie Quiz

1/14 From which city is "Rocky Balboa"?

2/14 What is the name of the company whose meat freezer "Rocky" uses to train in?

3/14 Who is the boxer that beats "Rocky" at the end of the first movie?

4/14 Who is "Apollo Creed's" trainer?

5/14 For which aftershave does "Rocky" do a commercial in the second movie?

6/14 What is the name of "Rocky's" son?

7/14 What does "Rocky" throw at the statue erected in his honor?

8/14 Which famous band has two songs on the 'Rocky IV' soundtrack?

9/14 What was NOT a reason for "Rocky's" bankruptcy in the fifth movie?

10/14 So far, the 'Rocky' movies have won 3 Oscars! How many nominations did the movie series receive?

11/14 Which is untrue of Sylvester Stallone's role in the first 'Rocky'?

12/14 What was the nickname of "Rocky Balboa"?

13/14 How many 'Rocky' and 'Creed' movies have there been as of 2021?

14/14 What was the name of the boxer "Rocky" faces in 'Rocky III'?

How well do you know the iconic character "Rocky Balboa"? By now, there are a total of eight movies in the Rocky universe.

Quiz: How Well Do You Know The Rocky Movies?

Take our quiz and prove right here that you are an expert on all things Rocky. Good luck!