• Meghan Markle is considered a feminist icon worldwide
  • Her political stance was formed when she was just 11 years old

Meghan Markle is nothing if not assertive. Going as a guest to an event organized by the UN, Step It Up For Gender Equality, Markle gave a much applauded speech in which she assured that her feminist conscience was awakened when she was only 11 years old. And it already had something to do with her future career!

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Meghan Markle Is An Icon In More Ways Than One

The Duke And Duchess Of Sussex Visit Johannesburg - Day Two

Everything started one day when she saw a dish washing soap commercial in her school that said "Women are fighting greasy pots and pans with Ivory Clear." Two boys in her class commented: "Yeah, that’s where women belong, in the kitchen." Meghan was shocked and annoyed at the comment. Her father encouraged her to write a letter to the soap company. Watch the video above to learn more!