• Queen Camilla does a lot for the palace
  • But she isn't really paid for it
  • THIS is why she does not receive her own salary

There is big news for Queen Camilla. King Charles' wife will not receive her own government income. While Queen Elizabeth's († 96) husband Philip († 99) received around 420,000 euros a year, Queen Camilla shouldn't have any of it. Queen Camilla will not receive a separate annual income, as 'Bild' reports.

MORE On Camilla:

Where does Camilla get her money from?

So how does she make ends meet? After all, she does have to eat, right? She doesn't get her salary, but instead, she gets her money from the "Sovereign Grant", the state pot for the tasks of the royals.

Also interesting:

A separate application would have to be made, stating the name, in order to pay Camilla her own salary. The palace is also currently under financial pressure. Expenditures increased by 5 percent compared to last year...

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