• Marius Borg Høiby makes headlines
  • Now his stepfather speaks out
  • Prince Haakon opens up more than ever before

Crown Prince Haakon, 51, traveled to southwest Norway on August 26 to open the 'ONS - Offshore Northern Sea' conference, which focused on renewable energies. However, during a round of interviews with journalists, the heir to the throne was asked about his 27-year-old stepson, Marius Borg Høiby.

Also interesting:

Prince Haakon: Answer questions about stepson

Surprisingly, the Crown Prince addressed questions about Mette-Marit's son, who had recently confirmed in a statement his involvement in a violent outburst and struggles with drug problems.

When a reporter from 'NRK' asked what the Crown Prince and Crown Princess knew about the situation, Haakon responded candidly: "We are very close to him. So we knew what Marius told us and we knew about some of these problems, but I don't want to go into detail."

He further explained: "It is a serious matter when the police are involved in the way they are, but at the same time, it is not right for me to go into the details of the case."

The police have not yet contacted Mette-Marit or Haakon for questioning. However, Haakon expressed his "great confidence that both the police and the authorities will handle the matter properly, professionally and fairly."

Marius Borg Høiby was arrested a few weeks ago for assaulting a woman. In his statement, he admitted: "Last weekend something happened that should never have happened. I committed bodily harm and destroyed objects in an apartment in the intoxication of alcohol and cocaine after an argument."

He also stated his intention to seek treatment again for his drug problems and cooperate with the police.

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