• Jaswant Singh Chail threatened to kill Queen Elizabeth
  • He penetrated Windsor Castle with a crossbow
  • His sentence has now been handed down

Jaswant Singh Chail sentenced to prison after plot to kill Queen Elizabeth

Christmas morning of 2021 was certainly memorable for the royal family, but not for good reasons. That day, at around 8am, a man dressed in all black and wearing a metal mask scaled the outer walls of Windsor Castle, armed with a crossbow and a sense of vengeance. 

Jaswant Singh Chail (21) was on a mission to assassinate Queen Elizabeth when he was arrested. He told the authorities, "I am here to kill the Queen".

“Evidence recovered by officers showed that he harboured ill-feeling towards the British Empire for its past treatment of Indian people, and his plan to kill the Queen was driven by his desire to target a symbol of the empire- the Monarchy," Met Police say in a statement.

He was charged with making threats to kill, possession of an offensive weapon and one charge under section 2 of the Treason Act 1842. According to the 'New York Times', this was the first time someone had been convicted of treason in England in over 40 years.

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For his crimes, Jaswant Singh Chail was sentenced to nine years of incarceration. Half of his punishment will be served in a mental health facility, and half will take place in prison. 

During the sentencing hearing, Chail apologized to the royal family for the "distress and sadness" his actions caused.