• King Frederik poses with his twins
  • They show off their football spirit
  • The sweet photo was taken by Queen Mary

As Denmark kicked off their Euro 2024 campaign, the royal family's excitement was palpable. The caption accompanying the photo shared this enthusiasm with the world: "It starts in a little hole, and at our place, we are just about ready for Denmark's match start. My family and I wish @herrelandsholdet great luck for the European Championships." This candid glimpse into the royal household's preparations for the tournament has fans and followers alike rooting for Denmark.

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A Princess with style

Adding a touch of elegance to her football attire, Princess Josephine paired her team shirt with a dainty pearl necklace, proving that style and sports can indeed go hand in hand. This delightful detail has not gone unnoticed, with royal fashion watchers and football fans alike applauding her chic choice.

A moment of triumph and unity

The Danish team's performance in their first Group C match against Slovenia ended in a 1-1 draw, with Christian Eriksen scoring the opening goal. This moment was particularly poignant for the royal couple, who had witnessed Eriksen's harrowing collapse during Euro 2021. Their heartfelt message at the time emphasized the unity and spirit of the team and fans, a sentiment that continues to resonate with the nation.

Christian Eriksen's journey back to the football field, after being fitted with an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD), is nothing short of inspirational. His return to top-tier football, first with Brentford and then with Manchester United, symbolizes resilience and determination, qualities that King Frederik and Queen Mary have openly admired and supported.

A royal presence at the big game

As Denmark prepares to face England at the Frankfurt Arena, the anticipation is building. With the Prince of Wales confirmed to attend, the match promises not only top-notch football action but also a gathering of royals, adding an extra layer of excitement to the event.

The family photo comes on the heels of King Frederik's 56th birthday, celebrated with a public appearance on the balcony of Amalienborg Palace. The king, alongside Queen Mary and their children, including Crown Prince Christian (18) and Princess Isabella (17), greeted well-wishers, marking the occasion with joy and togetherness. This event was particularly significant as it followed Queen Margrethe's abdication earlier in the year, ushering in a new era for the Danish monarchy.

More about the Danish royals: