• Crown Princess Mette-Marit is ill
  • She talks about her current condition
  • This is how she really feels

For years, Princess Mette-Marit of Norway (50) has been battling a serious health challenge, which was only diagnosed in October 2018 and was made public.

The diagnosis: Chronic pulmonary fibrosis. This disease, which hardens and scars the lung tissue, impairs the ability to breathe and is incurable. Despite this challenge, Mette-Marit has always tried to fulfill her royal duties with grace and strength.

In recent years, Mette-Marit has proven that she does not let her illness dominate her public presence. Her participation in royal events and her commitment to social projects testify to her determination. However, she recently had to cancel her participation in an event with the Danish royal couple Frederik and Mary at short notice, which raised concerns about her health.

Princess Mette-Marit: How she is doing right now

In a rare moment of openness, Mette-Marit spoke to the Norwegian newspaper 'Verdens Gang' about her current state of health. "I feel really good at the moment" she said, but hinted that her condition could change at any time. Her words give an insight into the daily uncertainty that she and many others suffering from chronic illnesses have to live with.

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Despite the challenges, Princess Mette-Marit recently appeared radiant and in good spirits at a public event. She took part in a trip on the "Literature Train" through Norway, a project that is particularly close to her heart. Her positive charisma and humor, with which she talks about the "many gray hairs" jokes she has received underline her inner strength and her ability to remain positive despite personal challenges.

Mette-Marit's openness and her way of dealing with her illness are not only admirable but also inspiring. She shows that it is possible to move forward with dignity and optimism, even when faced with unpredictable health challenges.