• Hulkamania runs wild at the RNC
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Channeling the energy of a wrestling crowd, Hogan declared his unwavering support for former President Donald Trump, igniting the audience with his trademark Hulkamania fervor. This article dives into the highlights of Hogan's speech, his reasons for supporting Trump, and the unforgettable moment he ripped off his shirt in true wrestling fashion to reveal a Trump-Vance 2024 tee.

Hulkamania Runs Wild at the RNC!

In a scene straight out of a wrestling ring, Hulk Hogan took the stage at the Republican National Convention, turning the political event into an arena of raw energy and unapologetic support for Donald Trump. Hogan, a six-time WWE champion known for his charismatic and larger-than-life persona, said the crowd's vibe reminded him of his wrestling days.

"I felt a rumble, and so I started pushing the gas down more. The more I pushed the gas pedal down, the more they responded," Hogan recounted on 'Fox & Friends.'

After years of watching the country's direction and remaining silent, Hogan felt compelled to speak up following an assassination attempt on Trump.

"When they did that to Trump, and they tried to kill him, I said, that was it. … That's when I said enough is enough. I'm done."

He also revealed a few lines that he wished he had delivered about the "cure" for Trump Derangement Syndrome. "I thought, 'I'm Dr. Hogan, I can fix Trump Derangement Syndrome.' Donald Trump has so much love, and he cares so much about this country. He cares so much about people. Trumpamania is the cure for Trump Derangment Syndrome. But I forgot to say it."

Hogan described the Trump that he has known over the past 35 years.

Reflecting on those 35-year acquaintance with Trump, Hogan painted a picture of a kind and consistent man, contrary to media portrayals. "He was such a kind person... And all the stuff that the press writes about him, he's not that guy," Hogan affirmed, sharing his firsthand observations of Trump's character.

In a climactic moment, Hogan channeled his wrestling alter ego, ripping off his vest and shirt to reveal a Trump-Vance 2024 shirt underneath, much to the delight of the crowd. "Let Trumpamania run wild, brother. Let Trumpamania rule again. Let Trumpamania make America great again," he exclaimed, flexing his muscles in a show of support that only Hogan could pull off.

Also interesting:

Hogan ended his speech with a hopeful outlook, predicting that with Trump's leadership and the support of "Trump-ites," America is set to get back on track.

What are your thought on all this?

His passionate endorsement at the RNC was a reminder of the unique and enduring appeal of Hulkamania, this time in the political arena.