• Valerie Bertinelli is an American TV star
  • She is also a spokeswoman for Jenny Craig
  • THIS is what she posted for fans on Instagram

It's so good to see Valerie smile big! This past Monday, the Food Network star, 63, posted a video on Instagram after finding the outfit she wore in her very first "before photo" as a Jenny Craig spokesperson. The moment was a true testament to just how far Valerie has been able to come in recent years.

"I found the clothes I was wearing in my very first ‘before’ picture for Jenny Craig,” she revealed. "This pink shirt and these jeans," she added before breaking into laughter," she says. "I have done so much emotional and mental work to recover from years of pretending everything was OK when it wasn't."

Valerie is looking healthier than ever before

"Health is not a body size. Health is not the number you see on the scale. Your worth as a human being isn’t dictated by your body,” she said while standing in the mirror while wearing a pink button-up shirt and jeans. I thought I was fat the last time I wore these clothes," she said. "I’ve never felt more beautiful, more at peace, more mentally and emotionally stable than I do today and I’m wearing my ‘fat clothes.’ That’s f—ed up," she confessed.

The truth is, Valerie's mentality surrounding her lifestyle has come a long way, indeed. Bertinelli became a spokesperson for Jenny Craig in 2007 and previously credited the former weight loss company to helping her shed 40 pounds in 9 months, according to a 2009 'People' story. However, she has since stopped weighing herself on the scale and instead focused on what she eats and working out.

"Health is not a body size. Health is not that number you see on a scale. Your worth as a human being isn't defined by your body. I thought I was fat the last time I wore these clothes. I've never felt more beautiful. More at peace, more mentally and emotionally stable than I do today. And I'm wearing my fat clothes," she added.

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"A number on the scale does not define how much love your heart can hold," she added. "Please love yourself, every single part of you. YOU ARE ENOUGH," Valerie concluded for her fans. The post was showered with praise and compliments for Valeri's journey. Her public life has not been too easy. Bertinelli was famously married to late rock star Eddie Van Halen for more than 20 years and had son Wolfgang together before separating in 2001 and divorcing in 2007.

These days, she is still active as an actor occasionally, but she is primarily focused on being an inspirational force for good in the weight loss community. Back in June, she posted an Instagram video sharing how much healthier she feels after making some lifestyle changes and prioritizing her mental health in recent months.

"So it’s getting about time for me to probably go down another jean size. I can’t believe it. And this all started in November, the month I got free. And I started really concentrating on my emotional and mental health. And when I started doing that, I started caring about the nutrition that I put in my body more."

We couldn't be happier for her. You go Valerie!