• Michael Landon was a celebrated American television actor
  • He is best known for his work on Little House on the Prairie
  • Landon suffered from a cancer that eventually killed him

The actor revealed just a few months earlier that he was suffering from pancreatic cancer. That he had to say goodbye to the world so quickly was a great shock for everyone. In one of Michael Landon's last interviews with Life magazine, he revealed that he had stopped chemotherapy, according to Cheatsheet.

Also interesting:

Michael Landon Took Matters Into His Own Hands In The End

UNSERE KLEINE FARM Ein neuer Beruf Little House on the Prairie USA 1982 Als ein junges Paar ei

"I hated the thought of being injected with deadly chemicals and losing control of my life. So I decided to stop chemotherapy, at least for now, and try something else", said Michael Landon. Although he started chemotherapy after feeling very bad, he didn't seem particularly hopeful. Either way it couldn't have been an easy decision to make! Watch the video above to learn more!