• Chuck Lorre and Charlie Sheen are coming back
  • The series creator and the actor are making a new series
  • THIS is what it should be about

Shortly after his departure from the show, Charlie Sheen went on an infamous spiral of drug-infused media tirades where he defended himself from everybody's attacks, specially Chuck Lorre's. At least, according to the actor. But now it looks like things have changed.

Charlie and Chuck might have buried the hatchet

After more than 12 years of radio silence, the two are now supposed to be working together on a new series. According to 'Deadline', 'How To Be a Bookie' is the name of Charlie Sheen and Chuck Lorre's new project.

Also interesting:

Martin Sheen and Charlie Sheen

He has been active in show business since 1973!

'Two And A Half Men': This Is What Charlie Sheen Looks Like In 2022

There are other big names attached too. Actor Sebastian Maniscalco is said to play a bookmaker in distress. Charlie Sheen himself is also set to appear in the series. Exactly how, is not yet known...

Watch the video above to learn more!