• Shannen Doherty is opening up again
  • She fears her chances in dating
  • Shannen shares some personal insights with Kelly Rippa

In an emotional revelation on Kelly Ripa's 'Let's Talk Off Camera' podcast, Shannen Doherty, the beloved actress known for her role in 'Charmed,' shared her apprehensions about stepping back into the dating scene amid her ongoing battle with stage 4 breast cancer.

Doherty, who first announced her cancer had returned in February 2020, candidly expressed her concerns about dating, given her uncertain future.

A Tough Sell in the Dating World

"Listen, I think it’s hard for somebody like me, in my personal opinion, because it’s hard to go into dating someone when you know that they might have an expiration date," Doherty told Kelly Ripa during the Wednesday, "June 26, episode. "I don’t think men handle death and illness — most men I don’t want to generalize and say all men — but they don’t handle that as well as women do."

Doherty, currently navigating a divorce from Kurt Iswarienko after 11 years of marriage, described herself as a "very hard sell" as a romantic partner.

"It's hard to go into dating someone when you know that they might have an expiration date," Doherty confessed, highlighting the difficulty men have in dealing with death and illness. Despite her fears, Ripa disagreed, believing Doherty deserved love and companionship.

Despite her reservations, Doherty remains open to finding love, albeit selectively. She recounted a recent dating experience where she spotted a red flag within the first 30 minutes, choosing to end the potential relationship. Ripa, ever the supportive friend, teased about having the perfect match in mind for Doherty—a wealthy, mature New Yorker who isn't intimidated by her fame.

Doherty emphasized her desire for companionship, sharing her insecurities about her body following numerous surgeries. "I have so many scars from surgery that it's like, how do you explain that?" she pondered, revealing her struggle with self-confidence, especially after her health procedures.

The actress's health journey has been a rollercoaster since her initial diagnosis in 2015. After a period of remission, Doherty's cancer returned and has since spread to her bones. Facing another round of chemotherapy, Doherty shared the emotional toll of her treatment on her 'Let's Be Clear' podcast, highlighting the reality of her fight against cancer.

Doherty also added that she finds herself struggling to date new people because she is “self-conscious” about her body following her various health procedures.

'I have so many scars from surgery that it’s like, how do you explain that ‘No, that isn’t from giving birth, that’s from reconstruction surgery.’ You just start to feel, as a woman, I think very insecure about yourself," she explained. "I have never been secure with myself. Probably in my mid-30s, I got very into myself."

Also interesting:

Doherty's candid discussion about the intersection of her health struggles and romantic life sheds light on the complexities of dating with a serious illness. Her bravery and openness continue to inspire many as she navigates the challenges ahead.