Salma Hayek Quiz

1/12 What languages can Salma Hayek speak?

2/12 Where is Salma from?

3/12 How many movies have Salma and Antonio Banderas been in together?

Antonio Banderas and Salma Hayek in 'Desperado' 1995.

4/12 When did Salma marry French billionaire François Henri-Pinault?

5/12 Which of her co-stars is she famously best friends with?

6/12 Which series did Salma produce?

7/12 How many children does Salma have?

Salma Hayek and Penélope Cruz in 2008.

8/12 Salma is not just an actress but also an...

9/12 Which movie did Salma NOT star in?

10/12 Is Salma a United States citizen?

Salma Hayek in 'Frida'.

11/12 Which film earned Salma her one Oscar nomination?

12/12 Salma played which actor's wife in the 'Grown Ups' movies?

How well do YOU know one of the most gorgeous and brilliant international actresses, Salma Hayek? You know her movies, but HOW well? Test yourself here!

Quiz: Do You Really Know Salma Hayek and Her Movies?

Good luck and make Salma proud!