In a recent interview with 'The Wall Street Journal', the actress shared that leaving home at such a young age was a significant step for her, especially given the estrangement she experienced from her family.

  • Heather Graham has opened up
  • She is estranged from her parents
  • THIS is why

Heather's sadness

Graham explained that she felt a strong need to assert her independence and pursue her dreams, which led her to make the decision to relocate. This move was a major turning point, allowing her to focus on her career and personal development away from her family dynamics.

"In Virginia, I had a tomboy phase and loved exploring the woods. After we moved, I was isolated. You had to be driven everywhere. Without kids to play with in the street, I had fewer social interactions and grew insecure. I turned to books and read above my level," says Graham.

Even after she adjusted, she began to face challenges from her parents — especially her dad, who was against her acting career from the start. 

"He regularly told me that the entertainment industry was evil and that Hollywood would claim my soul," she says, adding that her parents "were part of a generation that didn’t believe in therapy or discussing personal things, so I never felt I could talk to them."

The actress acknowledged that the transition was not easy and came with its own set of challenges.

Graham explains that after her movie 'License to Drive' premiered, she needed to move out.

"When the movie came out, I was 18," she recalls. "Living at home had become more difficult. I said to myself, ‘I’ve got to get out of here, I’ve got to be successful, and I’ve got to be a movie star.’"

She continues, "I found an apartment in West Hollywood with another girl from high school — a working model who was also investing in real estate on the side. Living with her was freeing."

"I stopped talking to my parents when I was 25, and I’m estranged from them now," she adds. "My friends are proud of me, and I’m proud of myself. I have really good friends."

However, she also recognized it as a crucial moment of growth that shaped her into the person she is today. Despite the difficulties, Graham’s determination and commitment to her aspirations helped her navigate this period of her life.

Also interesting:

While she has since distanced herself from her family, Graham remains focused on her professional life and personal well-being.

She continues to channel her experiences into her work and personal growth, reflecting on her journey with a sense of resilience and self-awareness.