• 'Rolling Stone' magazine has chosen their top songs
  • HERE is what they believe are the best of the year
  • Some of these may surprise fans

Staff members at 'Rolling Stone' compiled some of their favorite songs of the year so far and even made a Spotify playlist for you to check them out. Beyoncé tops the list with "Ya Ya". This is what they said: "Her lyrics place her own family’s struggles against a backdrop of American economic, racial, and social hypocrisy, and wrap her anti-erasure gospel in a music that radiates freedom, resistance, and joy."

This is one tough list to crack

Then there is Kehlani with "After Hours": "She makes the groove her own, lighting up one of 2024’s finest summer jams."

Also interesting:

Of course, we have Ariana Grande with "We Can’t Be Friends (Wait for Your Love)": "Whether the song is about Grande’s relationship with the press, an ex, or both, its raw mix of hurt and hope has the kaleidoscopic radiance of club lights in wet eyes..."

Watch the video above to learn more!