• Buddy Duress has died
  • The actor was only 38 years old
  • He died tragically

Buddy Duress (†38) has tragically passed away. Since embarking on his career in 2014, the actor had made significant strides in the film industry. His standout performance alongside Robert Pattinson (37) in the acclaimed drama 'Good Time' garnered him widespread recognition and admiration. His untimely death at the age of 38 is a profound loss for the entertainment community.


Actor Buddy Duress has died

Buddy Duress, born Michael C. Stathis, tragically passed away in November 2023. According to his brother Christopher Stathis, speaking to People magazine, the actor's death was attributed to a lethal drug combination that resulted in cardiac arrest.

While Duress had made his mark in the film industry, his personal life garnered attention for less savory reasons. In recent years, he made headlines for incidents involving grand theft and threats to set fire to his mother's house.

Despite his struggles, Cameron Van Hoy (38), director of 'Flinch,' fondly remembers Duress for his dedication to his craft, stating, "Despite any troubles he was going through in life he somehow managed to put them aside when it came time to work." Duress's ability to separate his personal struggles from his professional commitments left a lasting impression on those who worked with him.

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The film industry and fans alike are deeply saddened by the loss of an actor whose impact transcended his brief career. Jay Karales, director of the forthcoming film 'Mass State Lottery,' in which Duress played a role, shared his sentiments with People magazine.

"He lived like a cowboy and carrying the weight of that kind of life informed his skills and performances in a way that made him irreplaceable as an actor," Karales expressed, highlighting Duress's unique approach to his craft and the authenticity he brought to his roles. Duress's indelible mark on the industry will be remembered fondly by all those who had the privilege of witnessing his work.