- 'Space Jam' is a '90s classic
- It stars basketball legend Michael Jordan
- HERE are some fun facts about it
Here are some facts about this wacky classic! After the success of Space Jam, the development of a sequel to star Jordan began. In the said sequel, Mel Brooks would have voiced the antagonist, an alien named "Bezerk-O". 'Space Jam' is the reason Dennis Rodman went to the Chicago Bulls to play alongside Jordan's legendary team!
Jordan like you never saw him before
The studio gave Jordan an actual basketball arena built for him on the set, so that he could keep his ball skills sharp, avoiding ring rust in-between filming.
Also interesting:
'Space Jam' served as "Lola Bunny's" debut, where she served as a love interest for "Bugs Bunny", but before she was created, an entirely different bunny was planned to woo "Bugs"...
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