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Quiz: Famous People Who Had Drug Problems

1/10 True of False: Macaulay Culkin's career fell apart due to his addiction to drugs and alcohol

2/10 True or False: Daniel Radcliffe became an alcoholic and drug addict while filming the 'Harry Potter' saga.

3/10 True or False: Singer George Michael said his addiction to cocaine was so strong that he couldn't go an hour without using it.

4/10 True or False: Robert Downey Jr. was in and out of rehab for cocaine before becoming "Iron Man".

5/10 True of False: Amy Winehouse was already addicted to sedatives before she became famous.

6/10 True or False: Kim Kardashian was addicted to ecstasy when she recorded her famous sex tape.

7/10 True or False: Demi Lovato started using drugs at age 17.

8/10 True or False: Courtney Love was the one who got Kurt Cobain addicted to heroin and still has trouble with sobriety.

9/10 Which two celebrities did Bradley Cooper help become sober?

10/10 Drew Barrymore was drug addicted by age...

These celebrities have put their careers and even their lives in danger because of drugs... How well do you know pop culture history?

Famous People Who Had Drug Problems Quiz